Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Telemarketing Jobs in Uk

Telesales and telemarketing jobs in London
Telesales and telemarketing jobs in London are sought-after for their high earning potential. Whether you're passionate about sales and marketing, looking for a part-time profession or simply a student looking for a way to make spending money, telesales and telemarketing is the answer.
Are you cut out for telesales and telemarketing jobs in London?

The answer to that question is: YES!

If you have the ability to speak clearly on the phone, have a friendly demeanour, and most of all have the ability to listen to what people are saying - then you're half-way there.

The real strength in selling lies not in trying to rattle off your sales pitch before the customer puts down the phone - and certainly not in talking over them! - but in asking the right questions and listening to the answers.

Listening may seem an easy task, but often telesales people are too impatient to really listen and determine the customer's needs. Listening is only a matter of understanding what the customer is saying. By learning the art of listening you will build a lasting relationship with the customer, discover the needs and wants of that particular customer, handle any kind of objections and close the sale easily.
What about training?

If you look at some of the most successful telesales and telemarketers in London, they are not necessarily the most highly-skilled or best trained individuals. Regardless of their qualifications, individuals working in the telesales and telemarketing sectors acquire most of their industry-related expertise through actual work experience. However, they have a passion for what they do, and they never make a call without planning what they want to achieve and how they're going to achieve it - whether they are dealing with a new or existing customer.

If you're poorly prepared, chances are you'll end up annoying the customer by simply rambling on and on, without getting a proper response - or any response at all, for that matter.
Take action: Set your primary goal or objective

Take a minute to ask yourself what you want to have achieved by the end of the call. Also write down what action you want the customer to take by the time you put the phone down. If you're simply talking and nobody is putting goals into action during the call, you have wasted your time, and the customer's time.

Once you've determined those goals you simply fill in the blanks with what needs to happen for you to get the information you want, determine the customer's needs and satisfy those needs.
Get your questions ready

After you've set your primary goal or objective, decide on your questioning strategy. Instead of just having a list of features and benefits to bombard the telesales or telemarketing customer with, write down all your advantages separately. Then write down next to it what problem it solves or what need it fulfils.

After that, take each need or problem and write a question that would determine whether that situation existed. Use these questions during your call to see if there is a need or a problem that your "benefits" will truly solve.
Pause and Reflect

Make sure you don't get into the habit of simply going on telesales autopilot, dialling number after number without so much as taking a breath. Each call, whether successful or not, is a learning opportunity. As insignificant as it might sound, there is real value in reflecting on what you've done, and trying to learn something from it.

At the end of every telesales call you make, ask these 2 questions:

1. What did I like about this call?

2. What should I have done differently on this call?
Listen to yourself

Ever listened to yourself on a video recording and been surprised at the tone or pitch of your voice? The sound coming out of your mouth sounds very different to other people than it does to you. So listen to yourself on tape. Review your calls and see where you could improve.

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